
 スイスの公⽤語は、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、ロマンシュ語という4つの⾔語です。全てのスイス⼈が4カ国語を話せるわけではなく、地域によって⾔語圏が分かれています。また、⺟語のほかに英語ともう⼀つの⾔語が話せる⼈が多く、特に観光地では英語がかなり通じます。スイスで最も広く使われている⾔語はドイツ語(スイスドイツ語)です。 ⼈⼝の62.6%に及びます。2番⽬がフランス語の22.9%、そしてイタリア語の8.2%、ロマンシュ語はわずか0.5%です。
 この地図を⾒ていただくと、どの地⽅でどの⾔語が使われているかがわかりますね。料理においてもそうです。それぞれの⾔語圏に、郷⼟料理があります。 ⽇本の皆様にとって、 フォンデュやラクレットがスイス料理としてお馴染みですが、これは国としては22.9%のフランス語を話すスイス⼈発祥の郷⼟料理なのです。

 What language is spoken in Switzerland?
 There are 4 official languages of Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh. However not all Swiss speak four languages, and the languages are divided by region. In addition to their mother tongue, most people can speak 2 additional languages including English, which is especially common in touristic areas. The most widely used language in Switzerland is German (Swiss German). It accounts for 62.6% of the population. The second is French with 22.9%, Italian with 8.2% and Romanish with only 0.5%.
 If you look at this map, you can see which local language is used where.
As with the language, so is the cooking. Local cuisine is available in each language region. Fondue and raclette is familiar to all Japanese people as Swiss food, but this is actually a national dish originating from the 22.9% French speaking region in the country.
 Most of the rustic German-speaking local cuisine, which occupies most of Switzerland, have quite a broad flavor palate that meets Japanese preferences. We would like to introduce more and more of such German-speaking menus that are not well known in Japan.